Child Development articles

Articles we feel of interest/use to parents/carers as well as topics that we have been asked about will be added here for you to read at your convenience.  If you want to know more about a particular aspect of child development, please speak to Nicola.  As an early years professional, she should know!

patterns of behaviour that some children display - just don't assume everything your child does is a schema!
Adobe Acrobat document [2.6 MB]
Parent Guides
A selection of parent guides on the following subjects:
mathematics, friendships, healthy eating, social skills, sleep, self-regulation, drawing & painting, tablets & mobile phones, early reading
parent guides April 2017.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [40.7 MB]

Early Education resources

for useful information leaflets on all aspects of your child's development in a series called 'learning together', visit for their downloadable resources or copy the link below.

Topics include: helping children cope with change, helping children with their behaviour, early writing, maths is everywhere, road to reading

Tiggy's Montessori Nursery


Tel: 07305 330645

Opening hours:

Mon - Fri 8.30 - 4.00

during school term times


Availability update at 25/11/24

we have 3 places for a February start available for children born on/between 01/09/21 - 31/08/22.

Please email or phone nursery to arrange a visit if interested. 


Wait list for children born 01/09/22 onwards.

Please get in touch to be put on waiting list.






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