Team Tiggy's 


Tiggy's has a staff team of 9 qualified nursery practitioners. 4 at Level 6, 4 at Level 3 and 1 at Level 2


Nicola, Sue and Helen have worked together at Tiggy's for 20 years, Michelle and Oh joined in 2013 and Charlotte in 2014. Jo came to Tiggy's as a Montessori student for her teaching practice and in 2018 returned to join the staff team.  Kristie joined us in 2019 and Lucie in 2023 - both are ex-parents. They have 23 children aged 6 - 32 between them and Nicola is the first to be a Granny! 


The nursery is owned and managed by Nicola who has an Early Years Degree, Early Years Professional Status, Level 3 Forest School Leader and is a qualified Montessori teacher.  


Helen and Jo are Deputy Manager and Sue is Senior Early Years Practitioner. 

From left to right:

Kristie, Julie (now retired after 20 years at Tiggy's), Sue, Jo, Nicola, Helen, Charlotte, Michelle, Lucie and Oh - Team Tiggy's.

Tiggy's Montessori Nursery


Tel: 07305 330645

Opening hours:

Mon - Fri 8.30 - 4.00

during school term times


Availability update at 22/01/25

Our next availability is from September 2026.


Looking for an earlier start date?

Please email to register your interest and we'll update you in April if any spaces have become available for September 25 or January 26.   






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© Tiggy's Montessori